Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sick Saturday

Good Idea: Getting a flu shot so you don't get sick with a nasty flu over the next few months.  Hooray!

Bad Idea: Getting a flu shot just before the weekend so you feel like crap half the night Friday and most of the day Saturday. 

Every other time I get a flu shot (because I know it's not every single year), I feel ill for the next day or two.  I'm actually now quite glad I had other plans for tonight and had to miss the big diabetes meetup in NYC today.  I don't think I could have handled the entire afternoon on my feet, wandering the exhibit.  In fact, here's where I was mere moments ago:

Urrrgh, I feel like...urrrgh.  Naptime again.
I had a mind to accomplish things today, but I woke up with a low blood sugar, and when Matt and I got back from brunch and some errands, I spent the next hour and a half in bed.  Today feels more like an energized sick day than a fun Saturday.  Now if you don't mind me, I should go rest up for seeing friends tonight and going to a show. 

Don't forget, tomorrow is World Diabetes Day!  Go watch the Big Blue Test video and join the Diabetes Online Community for the Big Blue Test tomorrow!  I hope I am feeling well enough for 14 minutes of physical activity in a row.  Blah.

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