I want to thank Kerri for making me the featured blogger over at SUM. That's pretty effin' cool! In exciting quasi-blog-related news, I have purchased a laptop which should arrive early next week. This hopefully means more steady blog updates from me, as I will no longer be fighting my beloved hubby for the internet. This also means that poor Matt can finish his Masters' thesis without me always asking to borrow the computer for two minutes, y'know, to check for blog comments that I might need to approve.
This is going to be a full, road-trippy holiday weekend around here. Tomorrow night, Matt, Nigel and band will be playing yet another show in Delaware at Mojo 13. It's a pretty big honor to be playing the July 4th show. Hopefully no one will be trying to set off fireworks in the parking lot, as I think that may end with someone getting arrested. Yikes.
Saturday, it's off to see the family for a bit at the surprise picnic for my Aunt & Uncle's 60th birthdays. I finally get to meet my [not so] new [anymore] baby cousin! I'll keep a tally on how often someone asks me if I should be "eating that", and I'll let you know on Monday if it's out of control. From my cousin's house, near Lancaster, PA, we'll drive up to Williamsport to stay with my mom, then Sunday we're going with Matt's dad and I think my bro-in-law Jim to Watkins Glen, NY, for the Indy Car race.
From there, we'll head back home to Blue Bell, because guess who has to work Monday morning? Ha, no, not my husband. He took the day off. Monday is the first day of summer classes at DeVry, so I am going to be busy, busy, busy! It's all worth it to make the students (and my co-workers) happy. Whew!
I think of so many summer picnics in days gone by, where I was never without "the Young's bag". TYB was an insulated 6-pack sized cooler that my grandfather gave us from one of his company picnics. He used to work for Young Industries, so most summer picnics or outings of my childhood were often accompanies by the phrase, "Hey, do you have the Young's bag?" and, subsequently, "Is your meter in it? Juice? Is there enough insulin? Do you have everything? Are you sure? Let's go, then."
TYB successfully held multiple boxes of Junior Juice (or the really little Juicy Juices, whichever was on sale), a few packs of peanut butter crackers, and all the diabetes supplies I required, including that tiny new meter, the One Touch II. It was so small and sleek compared to the original One Touch, which had cost my parents $500, by the way. When my mom got the new meter from my endo's office for nothing, I'm guessing she almost fainted. Look at its compact size!

Test strip prices are still outrageous, but we have come pretty far in a lot of ways. Thank goodness my blood samples don't involve me squeezing what felt like a quarter-teaspoon of blood from my little fingers anymore!
Summer trips and picnics seem to bring a lot of diabetes-related memories into my mind. Maybe it's because I was diagnosed around this time of year. Maybe it's because every summer we'd go to the closest amusement park, Knoebel's, and I would generally spend the day forgetting I even had diabetes except for the brief forays into the first aid station to give myself shots. That was almost a welcome solace--a few minutes of air conditioning and I'd be ready to hit the kiddie rides again. (Okay, yes, I admit it, I was a wussy who didn't get off the kiddie rides until I was like 10...) Of course, someone else would have to hold The Young's Bag.
Food times were a little rough. That park is not only full of delicious carnival food like funnel cakes and Sno-Cones, but they have this awesome candy shop that was always making fudge...and of course, I wasn't allowed to eat it. Apparently, Knoebels has won some kind of award for Best Amusement Park Food for 7 years in a row.
I think I need to get back there and eat some fudge. And ride The Phoenix. I might even visit the First Aid Station for old times' sake.
For me, diabetes and summer somehow go hand-in-hand.
I wish you and yours a fun holiday weekend! Blow stuff up! (Legally, please.)
Found a photo of the One Touch II on eBay and posted it in my tudiabetes page photos. Feel free to take it for your own purposes. :)
ReplyDeleteOne Touch II on TuDiabetes
I had that meter forever - specifically junior high, I think. J batteries, that hard plastic case, and the modern technology of the early 90s. Rock on, One Touch, rock on.
Have fun! I love PA 4th of July because fireworks are illegal where I live. And AHHHH KNOEBEL'S!!! So many childhood memories! I do agree that the kiddie rides there are super fun, but I graduated to the Phoenix at age 6.
ReplyDeleteFound it located here
Maybe it will post correctly.
I found this one on Google Images:
I like Melissa's better, though.
You sure you can eat that? :)